CSNS Board of Directors
Chair- Karen Pinsent
Vice-Chair - Bonnie
Secretary- Laura
Treasurer - Carol
- Members at
Large - Mary Guildford, Annette White
Annapolis Regional
Committee Executive:
Chair - Leona Seguin-Straka
- Valerie Davies
Standing Committees:
Membership - Karen
Pinsent, Jenny Milligan (Stewart)
Newsletter - Bonnie
Elliott, Chair
Sally Erskine-Doucette;
Anita Campbell; Karen Pinsent
Website - Jenny
Publicity &
Programs Halifax - Denise Hansen, Estelle Lalonde, Laura Legere, Wilma
Programs Annapolis
- Millie Hawes
Yahoo Group Moderator
- Jenny Milligan
Essay Award - Bonnie
What we do
The Costume Society
of Nova Scotia (CSNS) was formed in 1981 to promote the study and preservation
of examples of historic and contemporary costume, both civilian and military.
The Society encourages interest in the history, development and conservation
of Nova Scotian costume and items of personal adornment. We offer learning
opportunities and professional development through workshops and hands-on
programming. One of the Society's primary goals is to facilitate and promote
communication between Society members, government agencies, and other organizations.
Who we are
The Society's membership,
comprised of individuals and organizations interested in costume, spans
Nova Scotia and is open to both amateurs and professionals. Representation
includes collectors, museum professionals, designers, costumers, reenactors,
researchers, historians, and students.
Society activities
of note
Donation of Society’s
costume collection to local museum
Donation of costume
and textile publications to Dalhousie University Costume Studies Programme
Mounting of costume
exhibits in Nova Scotia
of workshops for amateur / professional development
Host for the Provincial
Theme Year in 2001: "The Year of Costume - Fashioning a Legacy" (
to view the poster that was used for "The Year of
Costume" click here)
* Annual donation
of costume publication to the Halifax Public Library |
Buckled leather
fragment from a soldier's stock (neck-cloth) found in a 1784-1785
burial at Fort Anne National Historic Site (Annapolis Royal, NS)