Costume-Related Sources
Plates & Periodicals
Costume History
Clothing in Museums
Costume Related Sources
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K. The Comfortable Arts: Traditional Spinning and Weaving in Canada.
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Burnham, Harold,
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Ross, Jacqueline
Beaudoin-Ross. Form and Fashion: Nineteenth-Century Montreal Dress.
Montreal: McCord Museum of Canadian History, 1992.
Routh, Caroline.
In Style: 100 Years of Canadian Women's Fashion. Toronto: Stoddart
Publishing Co. Limited, 1993.
Royal Ontario
Museum. Modesty to Mod: Dress and Undress in Canada, 1780-1967.
Exhibition Catalogue, 1967. Royal Ontario Museum, and
of Ontario.
Women's Attire.
Exhibition Catalogue, 1977. Ed. Valerie Simpson. New Brunswick
Plates & Periodicals
Ackermann's Costume
Plates: Women's Fashions in England, 1818-1828. Stella Blum, Ed.
& Intr., New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1978.
Fashion Plates in Full Color: Sixty-four Engravings from the "Galerie des
Modes," 1778-1787. Stella Blum, Ed., New York: Dover Publications,
Inc., 1982.
Fashions and
Costumes from Godey's Lady's Book: Including Eight Plates in Full Color.
Stella Blum, Ed. & Intr., New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1985.
Charles H. The Fashionable Lady in the 19th Century. 1960. London: Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1969.
Ginsburg, Madelaine.
An Introduction to Fashion Illustration. London: Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, 1982.
La Mode Illustrée:
Fashion Plates in Full Color. Florence Leniston, Ed. & JoAnne
Olian, Intr. & Trans., Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc.,1997.
Moore, Doris
Langley. Fashion Plates through Fashion Plates, 1771-1970. London:
Ward Lock Limited, 1971.
Victorian Fashions
and Costumes from Harper's Bazar, 1867-1898. Stella Blum, Ed. &
Intr., New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1974.
Wedding Fashions,
1862-1912: Three-Hundred and Eighty Costume Designs from "La Mode Illustrée".
JoAnne Olian, Ed. & Intr., New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1994.
Costume History
A Lady of Fashion:
Barbara Johnson's Album of Styles and Fabrics. Ed. Natalie Rothstein.
New York: Thames and Hudson, 1987.
Arnold, Janet.
A Handbook of Costume. London: MacMillan London Limited, 1973.
--. Patterns
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Linda. Eighteenth-Century Clothing at Williamsburg. A Wallace
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"Under Waistcoats and Drawers." Dress. Vol. 19, 1992. Pp. 5-16.
Boucher, Francois.
20,000 Years of Fashion. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1967.
Bradfield, Nancy.
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Buck, Anne.
Dress in Eighteenth-Century England. New York: Holmes & Meier
Inc., 1979.
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Victorian Costume and Costume Accessories. Carlton, Bedford,England:
Ruth Bean Publishers, 1984.
Byrde, Penelope.
Nineteenth Century Fashion. London: BT Batsford, Limited,1992.
Clark, Fiona.
Hats. The Costume Accessories Series. Ed. Aileen Ribiero. New
York: Drama Book Publishers, 1982.
Cox, Stevens
J. An Illustrated Dictionary of Hairdressing & Wigmaking.
Rev. ed. London: Batsford Academic & Educational, 1984.
Cumming, Valerie.
Gloves. Ed. Aileen Ribeiro. The Costume Accessories Series.
London: BT Batsford, Limited, 1982.
C. Willett. English Women's Clothing in the Nineteenth Century.1937.
New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1990.
C. Willett and Phillis Cunnington. The History of Underclothes. 1951.
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Phillis, and Catherine Lucas. Costume for Births, Marriages, and Deaths.
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Davenport, Millia.
The Book of Costume. Vol.1,2. New York: Crown Publishers, 1948.
deMarly, Diana.
Working Dress: A History of Occupational Clothing. New York: Holmes
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Ewing, Elizabeth.
Dress and Undress: A History of Women's Underwear. New
York: Drama
Book Specialists, 1978.
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Everyday Dress 1650-1900. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1984.
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History of Children's Costume. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,1977.
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History of Twentieth Century Fashion. Rev. Alice Mackrell.
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Farrell, Jeremy.
Socks and Stockings. Ed. Aileen Ribeiro. The Costume Accessories
Series. London: BT Batsford, Limited, 1992.
Fennelly, Catherine.
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Foster, Vanda.
Bags and Purses. The Costume Accessories Series. Ed. Aileen
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Hart, Avril
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Hollander, Anne.
Sex and Suits. New York: Kodansha International, 1995.
Hunnisett, Jean.
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Studio City: Players Press, Inc., 1991.
Carl. A History of Costume. 1928. Ed. Emma von Sichart.
Alexander K.
Dallas. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1963.
Landsell, Avril.
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Laver, James.
Costume and Fashion: a Concise History. (1969) London: Thames and
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Martin, Linda.
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New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978.
McDowell, Colin.
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Publications, Inc., 1992.
Men and Women:
Dressing the Part. Eds. Claudia Bush Kidwell and Valerie Steele.
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O'Keeffe, Linda.
Shoes: A Celebration of Pumps, Sandals, Slippers and More.New York: Workman
Publishing, 1996.
Ribeiro, Ailleen.
The Art of Dress: Fashion in England and France, 1750 to 1820. New
Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1995.
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Dress in Eighteenth-Century Europe 1715-1789. New York: Holmes &
Meier Publishers, Inc., 1985.
Rothstein, Natalie.
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Samuels, Justine.
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Swann, June.
Shoes. The Costume Accessories Series. Ed. Aileen Ribeiro.
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Taylor, Lou.
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and Unwin, 1983.
Waugh, Nora.
Corsets and Crinolines. 1954. New York: Routledge (Theatre
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Wilcox, Claire.
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Wilson, Elizabeth,
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Corson, Richard.
Fashions in Hair: The First Five Thousand Years. London: Peter Owens,
Cox, Stevens
J. An Illustrated Dictionary of Hairdressing & Wigmaking. Rev.
ed. London: Batsford Academic & Educational, 1984.
Clothing in Museums
Anderson, Jay.
The Living History Sourcebook. Nashville, Tennessee: The American
Association for State and Local History, 1985.
Pam. "A Stitch Takes Time: Recreating Period Costumes for Parks
Canada". Ontario
Museum Quarterly, Vol.2, Nos. 1 & 2, 1982. Pp10-16.
Severa, Joan.
Authentic Costuming for Historic Sites Guides. Technical Leaflet.
Nashville: American Association for State & Local History, 1979. |